A "token" represents, in the RPG system, anything which isn't readily codified by some other means. A token typically describes something significant that you are doing, or that you have, but it can also signify anything of story importance to you.
Anyone can create a token, and some RPG systems also create tokens. Anyone can be given a token, although some tokens have explicit instructions that say that they will only work for the author. (Whenever someone tries to use a token, whoever they're playing is always asked to verify OOC that the token use is valid. All tokens are subject to all the normal rules of negotiation and consent.)
Every token has:
- An author (the person who originally wrote the token)
- A timestamp showing when it was created
- An owner (the person who is currently holding it)
- A title (at most a one-line summary of what this token is)
- A description (a more lengthy description of what this token is)
- Permissions for reading, declaring, signing, and amending the token
A token can also have, optionally:
- One or more points of Focus invested into it
- One or more gifts associated with it (gifts involved with the token's creation in some way)
- One or more timestamped signatures from other players
- One or more timestamped amendments (along with authors) changing or clarifying the token
Tokens can be shown to other people via the +declare command, and will automatically be declared when you spend them in conjunction with other RPG commands (like +compare). You don't necessarily need to be holding a token in order to +declare it; the token's holder can set the permissions so that other people can +declare it. However, you can't spend a token you're not holding, and the +declare will always clearly indicate who is holding the token.
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