If you've decided to apply for a Feature character, please follow the steps below.
For the foreseeable future: Log into the game as a Guest and find a Staff Member. While the information requested below is still required, the bots that once governed submission of an application do NOT work. Thank you.
Make an App Request
You must begin by indicating your intention to apply.
First, make sure that your registered email address is valid, by typing +request
This is the address that all responses will be sent to.
You cannot change your email address during the app process, so make sure it's the one you want to use.
If you need to change your email address, a GM can tell you the syntax of the command to use.
Once you've confirmed you've got a valid email address, make an app request, with:
+feature/app-request Feature
You will get back a URL. Copy this URL and paste it into the address bar of your Web browser. You might also want to bookmark it.
The URL you receive is the status page for your Feature app. You can access all the necessary information and forms from that page.
DO NOT share this URL with other people. It is unique to you and your application, and should be kept private.
Read the App Information
The status page will contain a link labeled "See Character Info". Click it. It will take you to a page that shows you some information about applying for this character in particular, along with the applications of previous players of this character, and any notes that they left when they vacated the character.
Decide Whether to App
If, after reading the information, you decide not to app, you will need to cancel your app in-game, with:
+feature/app-cancel Feature
You MUST do this if you decide not to app. Otherwise, you'll hold up the process for everyone else, since we'd be waiting for you.
Do NOT request information just for the heck of it; only do so if you're seriously planning to apply. People who repeatedly make info requests without applying, who repeatedly fail to cancel requests but don't submit apps, or who otherwise abuse the system, will be banned from making future app requests. If you're banned, you will be explicitly told so when you try to make an app request.
Write Your App
We strongly encourage you to write your application off-line. When you're ready to submit it, go to the status page, and click on the "View/Edit Application" link.
Cut-and-paste your application into the appropriate text box.
Then, cut-and-paste your roleplay log into the appropriate text box.
Click "Proof", continue editing if necessary, then click "Save".
You can come back and edit your application as often as you want, privately.
When you're ready to submit it to the staff, type the following in-game:
+feature/app-submit Feature
The staff cannot see your app until you finalize it with that command. Don't forget!
Modifying Your App
You may want to add more detail to your application after it's been submitted, respond to a staff query, or otherwise modify your application post-submission.
To do so, click on "View/Edit Application", then click "Write an Addendum". That will take you to a page where you can submit an addendum that will be attached to your app.
If you change your mind about applying, use +feature/app-cancel Feature to withdraw your app.
Staff Responses
If a member of the staff has responded to your application, you will get an email alert. Go to the status page and click "View Staff Response" to view the response.
If your application is successful, you will receive the password of the Feature in email.
DO NOT reply to email directly. Always go through the Web page. If you need to talk to the staff about your app, please log on a Guest.
Seeing the Status of Your Application(s)
If you forget the URL of your status page, use:
This will show you all the characters you are currently applying for, and the URLs for their status pages.