
This is a DRAFT of a system POSSIBILITY.

Large-scale battles involving multiple armies — where strength of forces are as important as troop quality — need a resolution mechanic that is more generalized than the basic +compare mechanism.

A battle begins with the two opposing commanders agreeing what armies are present on the field. The two commanders show each other the army tokens that are physically present in a way that will make a difference in the battle. Augmentation tokens that represent preparations, such as Adjutant or Tough It Out, must also be declared and agreed-upon as valid at this time. Tokens that represent things that happen in "real time", such as ritual spells that will have an effect during the battle itself, do not need to be declared at this time.

Once that's done, each commander decides what armies he is committing to the battle. All preparation tokens that were declared must be committed. Army tokens that were declared can optionally be committed. At this time, "real time" tokens, such as ritual spells, are also committed.

A normal +compare is done, with gifts and regular tokens as appropriate. Note that this is not individual combat, so individual-scope combat tokens are not appropriate (such as tokens for magic armor and weapons). This indicates the general quality of the troop command.

A calculation is done based on the committed tokens, modified by the +compare result. This indicates a number of consequences to both sides, where a consequence is equivalent to losing a 3-Focus unit of troops. Real-time tokens and preparation tokens are always expended. Troops may persist from battle to battle, if they are not lost as a result of consequences.

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